Cooking in a wood oven at the Justine brasserie
Categories : Eating, published on : 11/8/17
From the same team who brought us the Triplettes brasserie and Tripletta pizzeria in the Belleville district of Paris, 20th arrondissement, comes the Justine brasserie. And the Justine shares the same passion; that of cooking over a wood fire. From the kitchen of this institution in the Oberkampf district drifts the lovely aroma of wood smoke from the oven, as well as from the barbecue. Cooked, grilled, roasted, the specialities and dishes of the day are suggestive of the south and the Mediterranean basin. With its winter garden and high ceilings, this neighbourhood brasserie offers a superb setting and appealing decor in which the mouldings of yesteryear complement the stone, the floor tiles and the wood. A delight.
96 Rue Oberkampf, Paris 11th
Less than a 10 minute walk from the Hotel Fabric
Open every day from 8:00 to 2:00
Tel. 01 43 57 44 03
Visual: Justine Paris © Roberta Valerio