The shop of the National Picasso Museum – Paris, for arty gifts
Categories : Lifestyle, published on : 8/21/20
Imagine a shop that tells of the life of Picasso in his studio. A workshop of yesterday and today, with barely waxed wooden floors, exposed beams, wooden or metal shelves on which are gathered simple, timeless objects, with a touch of the avant-garde, between brushes and family portraits. This place apart, in the heart of the Hôtel de Salé, in which the National Picasso Museum – Paris is housed, is half shop and half gallery, discovered via the interconnecting rooms. Here you can find a wealth of items inspired by the Spanish genius and his creations. There’s hundreds of books on Picasso’s life and art, plus rare editions, Cubist vases, stylized doves, sketchbooks and more. The abundant selection changes as often as the creative mood of Picasso. Additionally, artists, designers and creators offer various items embellished with their exclusive designs in tribute to the Master. JR.
Librairie boutique du Musée National Picasso - Paris
4 rue de Thorigny, Paris 4th A 15-minute walk from the Hotel Fabric
Open Monday to Friday from 11:30 to 18:00, Saturday, Sunday and holidays from 9:30 to 18:00, late opening on the 3rd Friday of each month until 22:00
Tel. 01 58 65 15 66
Photo ©Sharon McCutcheon - Unsplash